Alex Lv is a New York based photographer, creative director and artist, specialised in fashion, beauty and portrait. He also travels frequently to major fashion cities including Sydney and Shanghai.

Publication: Marie Claire China, Pap Korea, To Be, Vogue Italia, Contributor, Goji (Cover), Creators, Mob, Scouted and more.

Alex’s photography style always described as effortless, honest, transparent and confident. With 8 years of practice in editorial and commercial projects, Alex excels at interpreting the inner feminine power through details and metaphors, not content with literal and deliberate displays. With a forensic science degree and musician background, Alex possesses very unique sensitive insights and perceptions into nowadays and classic trends, psychology and definition of beauty.

Alex Lv(吕皓巍)是一位悉尼的摄影师、创意总监和艺术家,专注于时尚、美妆和肖像摄影。他经常往返于纽约和上海在内的主要时尚城市。


作品刊登:嘉人Marie Claire China、Pap、To Be、Vogue Italia、Contributor、Goji(封面)、Creators、Mob、Scouted等。